Maternity Acupressure Techniques and Acupressure Points

how to do maternity acupressure to induce labor naturally

Labor acupressure or maternity acupressure is the only safe way to induce labor naturally April 18, 2008

You can learn more about maternity acupressure or labor acupressure to stimulate natural childbirth labor induction and to find labor pain relief at this web page on frequently asked questions about maternity acupressure.

You can read other testimonials on labor acupressure to start labor safely and naturally and get the detailed instructions here.

The Only Safe Way To Induce Labor Naturally

by Jenna Garvin

When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter I was absolutely terrified! It was a planned conception, and we were so excited, but the thought of giving birth had my stomach doing summersaults. Had I only known then, about Maternity Acupressure, I could have saved myself a lot of pain and frustration.

As the days and weeks passed, I thought more and more about holding my tiny little baby in my arms for the very first time, and more and more about what my labor would be like. I remember asking every woman I could find, who had already had a child, and asked them what labor felt like. Sharp cramps, severe pain, the worst menstrual cramp you have ever had multiplied times 100…and on and on they went. By the time I was 40 weeks, I had seen countless episodes of labor and delivery on Discovery Health, read every conceivable pregnancy magazine, Googled every question I could think of, and still was terrified.

My due date was January 8, but by December I was ready! I had gained a total of 50 lbs and was miserable. I wanted this baby out! My husband and I thought it would be awesome to have the New Years baby, so we did EVERYTHING that is supposed to induce labor naturally. From sex, to castor oil, to red raspberry leaf tea and nothing happened. I read that sex can naturally induce labor in 2 ways. First during orgasm, as it makes the uterus contract already, and second by prostaglandins found in semen that thin out the cervix to allow for dilation. The castor oil and red raspberry leaf tea are supposed to cause contractions, but all I got out of my efforts was a stomachache and frequent urination due to the amount of tea I drank…no baby!

So my due date came and went, and my doctor told me I needed to be induced because my amniotic fluid was too low. So I was induced, and it was horrible. After 9 hours of intense labor and no break between contractions, they came to me with an ultimatum. I either get an epidural (which I did not want) so I can get some rest because by the looks of it (I was only 3 cm), it was going to be a long night, OR I could stick it out with no pain management, but the Pitocin they were about to give me, would cause even more horrible contractions and they wouldn’t be able to help with the pain after the Pit. drip was started. So I got the epidural, and they rigged me up to the Pitocin. Within minutes the baby’s heart rate dropped below healthy levels, and they stopped the drip and put me on oxygen for hours. To make a long story short, I had 17 ½ hours of labor, and 2 hours of pushing until I finally got to hold my little baby girl. I vowed I would never go through that again. After countless hours of research, I have finally found a way to naturally induce labor that doesn’t involve harmful herbal treatments, cause diarrhea, and was unlike anything else I had already tried. It is called Maternity Acupressure, and it works to not only induce labor naturally, but also helps with pain management during labor. The book explains that “Stimulation of specific acupressure points starts labor in up to 93% women within 48 hours, sometimes in 25 minutes.” I couldn’t believe what I was reading!!! How can something so effective have eluded me before? Research also shows that maternity acupressure can shorten delivery time by more than 2 hours for most women! And can also give pain relief without interfering with contractions. I know that by the time our second child is due (in 17 weeks) I will be ready, and this baby will come out naturally, and without the help of my doctor.

The article source is located here.

Please get your maternity acupressure instructions and techniques manual to induce labour naturally and safely and find labor pain relief during childbirth here.

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where are maternity acupressure points to induce labor April 10, 2008

The following are some edited excerpts from a Yahoo Answers questions and answers which you might find useful. The hot spots is colloquial phrase for maternity acupressure points. Some labor acupressure points are for inducing labor and if used before the mother’s due date can cause premature labor.

Please get your step by step instructions complete maternity acupressure guide for all acupressure points to induce labour naturally and safely and to relieve labor pains during delivery here.

Please check my page on frequently asked questions about maternity acupressure techniques for a list of some maternity acupressure points used to stimulate natural childbirth labor induction and to find labor pain relief.

heh2203 asked:

where are the hot spots on your body that are used in maternity acupressure? does anyone know anything about it…have you tried it? did it work for you?

jaajamom answered:

Maternity acupressure induces labor, it’s not an olds wives tale. There are some research articles suggesting that acupressure brings on labor in 70% to 93% of overdue women. I know that there are several acupressure points that induce labor naturally and they are located on the hands, shoulders, lower back, legs and feet.

Some of the points stimulate contractions, while others help your cervix to dilate. Thus, opposite to many other labor inducing remedies, maternity acupressure can be used before your cervix is favorable. It’s actually recommended to use maternity acupressure to soften the cervix.

On the maternity acupressure site, there are quite a few testimonials from mothers who used maternity acupressure to start their labor naturally. Many had used maternity acupressure to manage their labor pains successfully. Hope this was helpful.

heh2203 further asked:

i read about points that can help induce labor if you are full term and your cervix is favorable…maybe the webbing between your thumb and index finger.

Susan S replied:

Er, I’d wait until you were in labor to use these. There are some hot spots that cause the uterus to contract too soon. You want to steer clear of these points until you are in labor.

Please get your maternity acupressure instructions and techniques manual to induce labour naturally and safely and find labor pain relief during childbirth here.

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